Web Central Games - Shadow Warrior & DOSBox
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Download Shadow Warrior & DOSBox
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Shadow Warrior is an action shooter game
developed by 3D Realms Entertainment
and published by GT Interactive Software
in 1997 for DOS and Mac.
The game takes place in a kind of pseudo-Japan
and incorporates some off-color humor.
Lo Wang (insert childish giggle) is a gun
for hire working for a large corporation,
but soon finds out that they are engaging
in evil activities. After handing in his
resignation he now has a target on his back.
Lo can use a multitude of weapons to dispatch
his enemies including a Katana, sticky bombs,
Uzis, rocket launchers and more. Lo also has
command of whatever vehicles he finds along
the way. Shadow Warrior has more of a puzzle-solving
element than the average first person shooter, but
still keeps exploration and combat central to gameplay.
Often called referred to as the Japanese Duke Nukem,
the game had some seriously mixed reviews.
The humor and action make the game quite entertaining,
so forget what you heard and give Shadow Warrior a chance.